What we do
To provide relief materials and undertake rehabilitation programs for victims of floods, cyclones, earthquakes, storms, and other natural disasters.
- To set up ‘Satellite Learning Centers’ to provide free basic education to underprivileged children like working, street, and slum children with particular emphasis on the provision of education to girls.
- To set up ‘Vocational Training Centers’ for providing technical education to underprivileged children and youth.
- To provide financial assistance to the impoverished to enable them to undertake small business ventures.
- To set up free clinics and health camps to ensure quality health care among the poverty-stricken sections of the community.
- To undertake various activities and programs for observing national and international days.
- To raise public awareness regarding AIDS/HIV
- To provide assistance to victims and survivors of acid burns including taking legal actions against perpetrators of such crimes and to undertake various programs for raising public awareness about such social evils.
- To engender discussion on child rights, child malnutrition, child labor, and the trafficking of women and children.
- To create awareness regarding the protection of the environment.
- To facilitate a better understanding of drug abuse in society and to set up rehabilitation centers for providing medical treatment to addicts thereby enabling them to lead a normal healthy life.
- To undertake various activities and programs for improving the standard of living of the elderly and the psychically challenged people.
- To raise awareness of basic human rights, especially regarding the rights of children and women, and working towards better protection of those rights.